Emerging Issues in International Criminal Law
A special two-part event featuring a stellar lineup of international and human rights legal experts.

February 3: Ecocide
As the global campaign to make ecocide the fifth crime in the Rome Statute gains momentum, what are the prospects for using international criminal law to save the planet?
February 4: Cyberwarfare
Mounting tensions between Russia and the Ukraine highlight the realities of cyberwarfare. What does international law need to do to be ready for these 21st century threats to peace and security?
Christian Wenaweser, Permanent Representative of Lichtenstein to the UN; Former President, ICC Assembly of States Parties; Convenor, Council of Advisers on the Application of the Rome Statute to Cyberwarfare
Charles Jalloh, Professor of Law, Florida International University; International Law Commission; Ecocide Drafting Panel; Council of Advisers for the Report on the Application of the Rome Statute to Cyberwarfare
Richard Dicker, Founding Director, International Justice Program at Human Rights Watch
Kate Mackintosh, Executive Director of the Promise Institute for Human Rights; Co-deputy chair of the Ecocide Drafting Panel; Council of Advisors for the Report on the Application of the Rome Statute to Cyberwarfare
Lindsay Freeman, Technology, Law and Policy Director at the UC Berkeley School of Law Human Rights Center; Lead drafter, Berkeley Protocol on Digital Open Source Investigation
Moderated by: Beth Van Schaack, Leah Kaplan Visiting Professor in Human Rights at Stanford Law School; Nominated Ambassador At Large for Global Criminal Justice at the Department of State
Introductions by: Jennifer Mnookin, Dean of UCLA School of Law; Ralph and Shirley Shapiro Professor of Law; Faculty Co-Director, PULSE (Program on Understanding Law, Science & Evidence)
This event was co-sponsored by the International & Comparative Law Program at UCLA Law, the Institute for Technology, Law and Policy at UCLA Law, the Burkle Center for International Relations at the UCLA International Institute, and the Emmett Institute for Climate Change and the Environment at UCLA Law.