Immigrant’s Rights in Detention: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Mirmehdi Brothers’ IACHR Hearing

*Please Note* This event will be taking place in-person at American University’s Washington College of Law. The event will be beginning at 12noon EASTERN time.
The Mirmehdi brothers are pro-democracy activists from Iran who were arbitrarily detained in the United States for 41 months after 9/11. When they were released from detention, they sued over violations of their rights. After U.S. courts dismissed their case, the brothers sought justice at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Ten years after their initial filing with the Commission, their case is being heard this week.
At this panel event, the Mirmehdis will speak about their experiences seeking redress in both domestic and international bodies, alongside members of UCLA Law’s Human Rights Litigation Clinic, which represents the brothers.
Mostafa Mirmehdi, Petitioner
Mohsen Mirmehdi, Petitioner
Mojtaba Mirmehdi, Petitioner
Mohammad-Reza Rirmehdi, Petitioner
Paula Angarita, UCLA Law Student
Jimi Degen, UCLA Law Student
Cat Washington, UCLA Law Student
Moderation by Tessa Baizer, Human Rights Litigation Clinic at UCLA School of Law
Co-Sponsored by The International Human Rights Law Clinic at American University’s Washington College of Law, Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights Coalition, CEJIL (Centro Por La Justicia y El Derecho Internacional), and Georgetown Law’s Human Rights Institute.