Town Hall on Making Housing a Constitutional Right in California

Join us for an upcoming town hall on efforts to guarantee the right to housing in California’s constitution. Learn more about what a right to housing means, why it matters, and how international human rights principles apply to work to advance housing justice in California.
Panelists will explore how international human rights principles can inform housing justice efforts in California, how a human rights framework applies to housing policy at the state and local levels, as well as the status of ACA 10 — a bill that would enshrine a human right to housing in the state constitution.
Audience Q&A to follow.
- Leilani Farha, Former United Nations Rapporteur
- Matt Haney, California Assemblymember
- Rasheedah Phillips, Housing Director at PolicyLink
- Professor Farrah Hassen, Cal Poly Pomona
Watch on Zoom Anywhere, or join others viewing the event in UCLA Law room 1337