Lara Stemple
Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies and International Student Programs

Lara Stemple is the Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies and International Student Programs at UCLA School of Law, where she oversees the law school’s LL.M. (masters) and S.J.D. (doctoral) degree programs. Stemple teaches and writes in the areas of human rights, global health, gender, sexuality, and incarceration.
Before joining UCLA, Stemple was the Executive Director of the human rights organization Just Detention International and was a Rockefeller Post Doctoral Fellow at Columbia University’s Program on Sexuality, Gender, Health, and Human Rights. She also served as the Senior Advocacy Officer at the Pacific Institute for Women’s Health. Before that, Stemple worked for the international program at the Center for Reproductive Rights in New York and was a Teaching Fellow at Harvard University.
Stemple currently serves as co-Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of the UC Global Health Institute and is a founding faculty member of its Center of Expertise on Women’s Health and Empowerment.
Stemple has drafted legislation that was signed into law, lobbied members of Congress and United Nations delegates, and testified before legislative bodies. Media commentary has included CNN, National Public Radio, Al Jazeera, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Slate, and The Atlantic.
- B.A. Mills College, 1994
- J.D. Harvard, 1999
Articles & Chapters
- Foreword, in Weiterbildung zur Prävention sexualisierter Gewalt, 2nd ed. (edited by Karl H. Richstein, Werner Tschan, Beltz Juventa, forthcoming 2020). (Translation: Professional Training as a Preventive Strategy Against Sexual Violence)
- Police and the Criminalization of LGBT People (with Naomi G. Goldberg, Christy Mallory, Amira Hasenbush, and Ilan H. Meyer), in The Cambridge Handbook of Policing in the United States, (edited by edited by Tamara Rice Lave and Eric J. Millar, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2019). Full Text
- Not for the Faint of Heart: Reflections on Rape, Gender, and Conflict, in Sexual Violence Against Men in Global Politics, (edited by Marysia Zalewski, Paula Drumond, and Elisabeth Prugl, and Maria Stern, Routledge, 2018). Book Info
- Reaching Men: Addressing the Blind Spot in the HIV Response (with Laura Pascoe and Dean Peacock), 1 International Journal of Men’s Social and Community Health e57 (2018). Full Text
- Sexual Victimization Perpetrated by Women: Federal Data Reveal Surprising Prevalence (with Ilan Meyer and Andrew Flores), 34 Aggression & Violent Behavior 302 (2017). Full Text
- Incarceration Rates and Traits of Sexual Minorities in the United States: National Inmate Survey, 2011–2012 (with Ilan H. Meyer, Andrew R. Flores, Adam P. Romero, Bianca D. M. Wilson, and Jody L. Herman), 107 American Journal of Public Health 267 (2017). Full Text
- Disproportionality and Disparities among Sexual Minority Youth in Custody (with Bianca D. M. Wilson, Sid P. Jordan, Ilan H. Meyer, Andrew R. Flores, and Jody L. Herman), 46 Journal of Youth and Adolescence 1547 (2017). Full Text
- Structural (Legal/Policy, Economic) Interventions as Tools of Empowerment, in Women’s Empowerment and Global Health: A 21st Century Agenda, (edited by Shari Dworkin, Monica Gandhi, and Paige Passano, UC Press, 2016). Section editor.
- Empowering Women for Global Health: A 21st Century Agenda (with Shari Dworkin), in Women’s Empowerment and Global Health: A 21st Century Agenda, (edited by Shari Dworkin, Monica Gandhi, and Paige Passano, UC Press, 2016).
- Human Rights, Gender, and Infectious Disease: From HIV/AIDS to Ebola (with Portia Karegeya and Sofia Gruskin), 38 Human Rights Quarterly 993 (2016).
- The Sexual Victimization of Men in America: New Data Challenge Old Assumptions (with Ilan H. Meyer), 104 (6) American Journal of Public Health e19-e26 (2014).
- Uneven and Still Insufficient: South African Police Services’ Station-Level Compliance with Sexual Offences Laws (with Emily Keehn, Cherith Sanger, and Dean Peacock), 9 Feminist Criminology 87 (2014).
- Human Rights, Sex, and Gender: Limits in Theory and Practice, 31 Pace Law Review 824 (2011). Full Text
- Men, HIV/AIDS, and Human Rights (with Dean Peacock, Sharif Sawires, and Thomas J. Coates), 51 JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes S119-S125 (2009).
- Male Rape and Human Rights, 60 Hastings Law Journal 605 (2009).
- Consistency of State Statutes with the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention HIV Testing Recommendations for Health Care Settings (with Anish Mahajan, Martin Shapiro, Jan King, and William Cunningham), 150 Annals of Internal Medicine 263-69 (2009).
- Health and Human Rights in Today’s Fight against HIV/AIDS, 22 AIDS, The Official Journal of the International Aids Society S113-S121 (2008).
- HBO’s OZ and the Fight Against Prisoner Rape: Chronicles from the Front Line, in Third Wave Feminism and Television: Jane Puts It in a Box, (edited by Merri Lisa Johnson, I.B. Tauris, 2007).
- Lifting the Curtain of Silence: Survivors Speak About Rape Behind Bars, 31 Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 361 (2003).
- The Ohio State Scandal Should be a Wake-up Call: Men Are Also Victims of Sexual Abuse, L.A. Times (Aug. 2, 2018). Full Text
- Sexual Victimization by Women Is More Common Than Previously Known (with Ilan H. Meyer), Scientific American (Oct. 10, 2017). Full Text
- The Unspoken Horror of Incarcerated LGBT People, The Advocate (Feb. 23, 2017). Commentary
- The Hidden Victims of Wartime Rape, The N.Y. Times (Mar. 1, 2011). Also in The International Herald Tribune (Mar. 3, 2011).
- The AIDS Funding Crisis: International Commitments, Global Donors, and the Role of NGOs, 14(40) ASIL Insights (2010). Full Text
- Consequences of the Catholic Church’s Claim of Statehood (with Kal Raustiala), L.A. Times (April 11, 2010).
- Church and State (with Kal Raustiala), The New Republic (April 29, 2010).
- Rape in Prison (Wendy Patten and Benjamin Jealous), Miami Herald (Oct. 5, 2003).
- Women in Prison Shouldn’t Have to Endure Abuse, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Mar. 17, 2003).
- Just What Part of Prison Rape Do You Find Amusing? (with Sabrina Qutb), San Francisco Chronicle (June 9, 2002).
- AIDS: A Unique Impact on Women, Oakland Tribune (Mar. 7, 2001).