Rubén Hernández-León
Professor of Sociology
Director, Center for Mexican Studies
Ph. D., SUNY-Binghamton
Rubén Hernández-León. 2008. Metropolitan Migrants: The Migration of Urban Mexicans to the United States. Berkeley: University of California Press. 258 pp.
V. Zúñiga and Rubén Hernández-León, eds. 2005. New Destinations: Mexican Immigration in the United States. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 368 pp.
“Gender, Bilingualism, and the Early Occupational Careers of Second-Generation Mexicans in the South.” (with Sarah Morando Lakhani.) Social Forces. 92(1): 59-80. 2013.
“The Migration Industry of Migration Control.” Available at
“La industria de la migración en el sistema migratorio México-Estados Unidos.” Traces (Travaux et Recherches dans les Amériques de Centre). 61: 41-61. 2012.
“L’industrie de la migration. Organiser la mobilité dans le système migratoire Mexique-États-Unis.” Hommes et Migrations. 1296: 34-44. 2012.
“Frontera sobre ruedas. Las camionetas y la industria de la migración.” Trayectorias. (10)26: 31-40. 2008. Available at:…
“The Migration Industry in the Mexico-U.S. Migratory System.” Available at:
“Restructuring at the Source: High-Skilled Industrial Migration from Mexico to the United States,” Work and Occupations. 34(4): 1-29. 2004.
“Social capital and Emigration from Rural and Urban Communities,” (w. N. Flores and D. Massey). Behind the Smoke and Mirrors: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. J. Durand and D. Massey, eds. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 2004.
“Mexican Immigrant Communities in the South and Social Capital: the Case of Dalton, Georgia,” (w. V. Zuniga). Southern Rural Sociology. 19(1): 20-45. 2003.
“Making Carpet by the Mile: The Emergence of a Mexican Immigrant Community in an Industrial Region of the U.S. Historic South,” (w. V. Zuniga) Social Science Quarterly, 2000, 81(1). 2000.
“A la Aventura!: Jovenes, Pandillas y Migracion en la Conexion Monterrey-Houston.” In Fronteras Fragmentadas, G. Mummert, ed. 1999 (El Colegio de Michoacan).